
Senin, 27 Juli 2009


Bulan bulan ini saya sebagai admin sangat sibuk sekali, olehkarena itu saya memohon maaf kepada para pembaca semua karena saya untuk bulan ini dan bulan depan (Agustus) tidak memposting artikel dahulu. Sementaa ini saya masih sibuk denagn urusan kuliah dahulu...

Demikian penjelasan saya. Saya mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan. Saya juga mengharap kriktik dan saran para pembaca untuk mengembangkan blog ini.

Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009

Basmi Virus Brontok di komputermu

Cara Menghapus Virus Brontok

Basmi Virus Brontok

Sebenarnya virus Brontok sudah berkembang dan dirilis berkali-kali. Penulis tidak ingat virus Brontok yang diujicoba ketika tulisan ini dibuat versi berapa. Yang jelas ciri-ciri dan cara kerja virus yang diujicoba ini dijelaskan berikut ini.

a. Ciri-ciri Virus Brontok

Memanfaatkan ekstensi EXE, COM, PIF, SCR untuk duplikasi virus
  • Ukuran file 45KB (45.344 byte)
  • Dibuat tanggal 16 Januari 2006, jam 09:10
  • Memperlambat komputer
  • Menghilangkan menu Folder Options
  • Memanipulasi setting Folder Options sehingga file hidden tidak ditampilkan
  • Menyembunyikan ekstensi file pada Windows Explorer
  • Membuat file EMPTY.PIF (duplikat virus) di Start > Programs > StartUp
  • Restart komputer jika user mencoba menjalankan program-program: REGEDIT.EXE, CMD.EXE (Command Prompt),
  • Membuat jadwal periodik (Scheduled Task) bernama At1 dan At2, lihat di Control Panel > Scheduled Tasks
  • Membuat duplikasi virus:

  • Banyak file duplikasi yang namanya diacak dengan nama-nama seperti: br6657on.exe, csrss.exe, inetinfo.exe, lsass.exe, services.exe, smss.exe, svchost.exe, winlogon.exe, 11496-NendangBro.com, Empty.pif, DXBLAK.exe, cmd-bro-nmx.exe.

    * File screen saver (.SCR) di folder C:\Windows\System32 dengan nama misalnya "kecrut's Settings.SCR", di mana kecrut adalah nama user yang terdaftar dalam User Accounts (Control Panel > User Accounts)

    * EMPTY.PIF di Start > Programs > StartUp

    * Di Folder C:\Windows\ShellNew

  • Dibuat menggunakan program Visual Basic 6.0
  • Virus tetap bekerja di Safe Mode

  • b. Cara Mengatasinya

    •  Catat ukuran dan tanggal file virus yang sudah menular di berbagai folder. Jika tidak ketemu, klik kanan file EMPTY.PIF di Start (R) Programs (R) Startup, klik Properties, lihat ukuran dan tanggalnya.

    •  Booting ulang menggunakan StartUp Disk Windows 98 (walah... harus buat StartUp 98)

    •  Setelah berhasil masuk ke Command Prompt 98:

    1. Masuk ke folder Windows (C:\Windows), cari file .EXE yang ukuran dan tanggalnya sama dengan file virusnya. File ini hidden, gunakan perintah "DIR *.EXE /A".

    2. Non-aktifkan atribut hidden pada file tersebut, kemudian ubah ekstensi file tersebut menjadi ekstensi lain misalnya ".DEL". Jika file ini ternyata bukan file virus, nanti bisa dikembalikan ke nama aslinya. (Misal nama filenya




    3. Masuk ke folder C:\Documents and Settings, ubah semua folder yang namanya sama dengan nama-nama user yang terdaftar dalam User Accounts.

      Nama yang panjang biasanya terpotong menjadi enam karakter ditambah karakter "~" dan karakter angka, misal "Soepardjono" akan menjadi "SOEPAR~1".

      Jika nama folder mengandung titik, folder tersebut akan memiliki ekstensi. Gunakan perintah "DIR /AD" untuk melihat nama-nama folder di dalamnya.
    4. Contoh:
    C:\>CD DOCUME~1 atau CD "Documents and Settings"
    Daftar nama folder ditampilkan)

    1. Masuk ke folder C:\Windows\ShellNew, ubah ekstensi file .EXE yang tanggal dan ukurannya sama dengan tanggal dan ukuran file virus.

      File ini hidden, gunakan perintah "DIR *.*/A". Sebelum dihapus, atribut hidden-nya harus dinonaktifkan dulu:

                    (Misal nama filenya bbm-ypmmngnc.exe)

                    ATTRIB -R -H -S BBM-Y~1.EXE

                    REN BBM-Y~1.EXE BBM-Y~1.DEL

    1. Keluarkan disket startup dari floppy drive, kemudian restart.

    2. Jika langkah-langkah di atas berhasil, setelah booting akan muncul pesan "Windows cannot find ... " diikuti nama salah satu virus yang ngendon di sistem.

    3. Hapus At1 dan At2 di Control Panel (R) Scheduled Tasks. Dua file ini adalah file penjadwal aktifnya virus.

    4. Jalankan Windows Explorer. Klik menu View (R) Details supaya Windows Explorer menampilkan atribut file secara detail (nama, ukuran, ekstensi, tipe).
      Sampai di sini, Folder Options di Windows Explorer sudah muncul, CMD.EXE (Command Prompt) sudah dapat dijalankan, REGEDIT juga sudah dapat dijalankan.

    5. Klik Tools (R) Folder Options, kemudian lakukan konfigurasi berikut:

    • Aktifkan "Show hidden files and folders" supaya file hidden tetap terlihat.

    • Non-aktifkan "Hide extensions for known file types" supaya ekstensi setiap file ditampilkan.

    • Non-aktifkan "Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)" supaya file C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT dapat dilihat.

    • Klik tombol "Apply to All Folders", supaya setting di atas diberlakukan untuk setiap folder, bukan hanya untuk folder yang sekarang dibuka.

    1. Saatnya mencari sisa-sisa file virus yang masih ada di sistem Gunakan fasilitas Search, dan pada kategori pilihan More advanced options, aktifkan pilihan Search system folders, Search hidden files and folders, dan Search subfolders.

    • Mulai mencari dari folder yang namanya sama dengan nama-nama user di dalam folder C:\Documents and Settings:

                + Masukkan kata kunci pencarian nama file: "*.EXE", kemudian klik Search.

                + Tunggu hingga proses search selesai! Kemudian urutkan hasil pencarian berdasarkan ukuran (View (R) Arrange Icons by (R) Size), atau klik kolom "Size" pada tampilan daftar file.           
                + Dengan cara ini semua file yang sama ukurannya akan mengelompok.

                + Jika terdapat file yang tidak diragukan lagi sebagai virus, hapus saja. Perhatikan ikon, ukuran dan tanggalnya.

                + Ulangi lagi langkah pencarian dari awal, tetapi menggunakan kata kunci "*.COM", kemudian "*.PIF", dan "*.SCR".

    • Lakukan juga pencarian di folder C:\Windows.

    1. Klik kanan file C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT, kemudian klik Edit. Hapus baris pertama yang bertulisan "PAUSE", kemudian simpan kembali. 12. Jalankan REGEDIT, kemudian lakukan langkah-langkah berikut:

    • Masuk ke key Run
      Jika terdapat value yang datanya menunjuk ke file-file virus, hapus value tersebut. Jika tidak yakin value tersebut dibuat oleh virus,
      sebaiknya data tersebut diekspor dulu dengan mengklik menu File (R) Export... . Jika ternyata value tersebut ternyata bukan buatan virus, nanti file hasil ekspor tinggal diklik dua kali untuk mengembalikan seperti semula.
      Cari juga value serupa di key Run di lokasi-lokasi lain. Jika tidak tahu lokasi lain untuk key Run, gunakan fasilitas Find (Edit (R) Find...) untuk mencari key "Run".

                    Contoh value yang mesti dihapus:

                    # Value bernama Bron-Spizaetus, datanya kosong (tidak ada datanya).
                    # Value bernama Bron-Spizaetus, yang berisi data "C:\WINDOWS\ShellNew\bbm-ypmmngnc.exe"

    • Masuk ke key Winlogon
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon               
    # Jika terdapat value Shell yang datanya "Explorer.exe" diikuti nama file virus (contoh: Explorer.exe "C:\WINDOWS\sembako-cnzjmng.exe"), ubah sehingga datanya hanya "Explorer.exe" saja.

                    # Virus jenis lain mungkin akan mengubah data untuk value Userinit. Biasanya value ini berisi data "C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe,".

    1. Sampai di sini, jika berhasil, sistem sudah bersih dari virus.
      Meskipun versi lain mungkin menambahkan strategi baru. Di folder-folder selain folder sistem (mungkin juga di drive lain)
      kemungkinan masih ada duplikasi virus, tetapi tidak aktif. Cari semua file .EXE dan hapus semua yang diyakini sebagai virus (perhatikan ciri-cirinya!). Mungkin juga perkembangan ke depan virus ini menular dengan ekstensi .SCR, .COM, .PIF.

    2. Restart ulang. Jika proses selanjutnya kembali normal berarti proses pembersihan virus berhasil.

    • Folder-folder di C:\Documents and Settings yang tadinya di-rename, mungkin masih menyimpan data-data dokumen penting. Cari folder dokumen di dalamnya (biasanya setiap user dibuatkan satu folder dokumen) dan selamatkan data-data di dalamnya.
      Di folder ini akan muncul nama-nama folder baru untuk menyimpan setting dan data masing-masing user. Pindahkan data-data tersebut di folder user yang baru ini.

    • File-file yang ekstensinya telah diubah (menjadi *.DEL) dapat dihapus jika proses pembersihan berhasil. 

    Selasa, 07 Juli 2009

    The Differences of American Indonesian concept toward age

    Each country has its own culture. Basically, culture holds important roles to identify the people shown by their behavior in society life. Culture describes where you come from, how you socialize in your environment, how you appreciate your life, and so on. According to Geert Hofstede, culture is collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group from another. Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population passed down from generation to generation. According to Gary Wederspahn, culture is the shared set of assumptions, values, and beliefs of a group of people by which they organize their common life. Indonesia and America have also the cultures which are different each other, including the concept toward age. Hard work is considered as an important value in a culture involving interaction among the individualisms. There are some certain differences cultures between American and Indonesia in working circumstance.

    United States is a country which respects on freedom. American believe that the ones who make efforts to be the best, so they can be the best. There are no factors like caste, religion, and culture which can stop the ones to be the best. The American emphasis on concrete achievements and "doing" means that age is to be feared, the less you can do or contribute to society. In America, age is not highly valued, for the older you the less you can accomplish.
    Age is also suspect because new is usually better in American culture, and the elderly are generally out of touch with what is new. The Americans emphasize on physical beauty and youth. In American culture, good performance or good looking is important in work circumstance because someone who is good looking will take other's attention easily. For instance, by having sympathetic face and friendly smile either man or woman will make others feel comfort. Beside that, youths basically have brilliant mind. They have new ideas to create something new. In other words, the youths tend to be creative ones. Also, they tend to be easy to solve the problems since they have better and fresher solutions than the elders. Younger workers are seen as enthusiastic and ambitious. They always make some innovations and breakthrough in their fields. Furthermore, the younger workers have strong physic making them not to be easier to get sick, so that they have much more effective time to work.

    Besides, American judges the worth's worker based on the worker's productivity, not seniority. For examples, someone who has high productivity no matter he or she is young or old will be more value than the one who does not. In this case, the worker is demanded to have high quality and productivity. They never consider on 'how old are you" but they consider on "how many productivities and contributions you have done". They work professionally to reach the best what they can do. Furthermore, to get higher position is easy fr American workers. A worker does not have to wait for years to upgrade to the next position. They really appreciate time. They never ignore each chance coming to them. Therefore, no wonder if someone who is still young has become a leader of a company or director.

    In contrast, Indonesia is a country which has politeness norm and appreciate what it is called tata karma. For Indonesians, age is highly valued. The older you are, it means you have made many contributions. You will be respected more. Also, the older you are the higher position you are in. The elders are absolutely respected. They are considered having many experiences or what it is called as experienced workers since they have been working for many years. Older workers are seen as being more likely to think before they act and being more loyal, conscientious, reliable, and dependable. In making decision, they never consult or even pay attention to the younger worker because the older ones think the younger is too young to know what they are going to do. In addition, youths tend to be considered as the ones who know nothing, so that sometimes their brilliant ideas they have will be useless.

    Moreover, Indonesian judges the worth's worker based on seniority, how long she or he has been working. In Indonesian culture, seniority is one of the heritage cultures. The system which is applied that is juniors must respect the seniors. In working circumstance, this system exists and has been being applied by the workers. Basically, seniority is aimed to create the harmony among the workers. In other words, the older and the younger can respect each other. The older workers considering as experienced workers teach how to work well and give good guidance and suggestions to the younger ones, so that they become salute and good team work. Furthermore, to get higher position is not easy for Indonesians because they should follow some certain determined procedures and rules. They have to wait for years for it. So that's why a leader of an institute or a director of a company in Indonesia basically comes from the older generations.

    In brief, America and Indonesia have certain differences culture. In America, age is to be feared. New is better. Americans do emphasize on personal achievements. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, age is highly valued. The elders are respected since they are considered as experienced workers. Indonesians do emphasize on seniority and harmony. Concept toward age is important to be understood and mastered in working circumstance in order not create misunderstanding.